Nov 25, 2010

whyyy :(

kesian dobby , waktu bellatrix tu bunuh dobby , sal menangis kot . hahahaha sedih la . teringat blk waktu dia first2 jumpa harry potter dlm harry potter and the chamber of secrets . comel ja . hahahahaha , klu blh bela mesti best , hari main dgn dia , dia blh bwk sal pi mna2 ja . hahahahaha , gila kn ? mcm mna nk buat sbb dia terlalu baik dkt harry potter . okayy la , see u in next post .
peace out sucker !

finally ,

mlm smlm sal dgn adib pi tgk cita Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 , best gila tp dlm masa yg sama xfhm . sal rasa kena baca buku dia la baru blh fhm kot . hahahahahaha . suma cita harry potter sal dh tgk tp still x fhm tu yg kena baca buku dia tu . xpa2 nnt ada masa sal nk bli buku dia dan nk baca sebelum part 2 kuar . dkt google kata part 2 kuar 15 july 2011 , sempat kot habis baca buku harr potter . xsbr gila . 
tgk la sinposis dia kat bwh ni . sinopsis ni copy and paste ja . hahahahahaha

Rufus Scrimgeour gives an impassioned discourse that the Ministry of Magic will remain ever strong in the face of these Dark Times. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger ,Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Severus Snape relays to Voldemort and the Death Eaters intelligence on Harry's departure from home. Voldemort relieves Lucius Malfoy of his wand, as his own cannot kill Harry. prepare for their task of destroying
The Order of the Phoenix arrive at the Dursleys', and using polyjuice potion create multiple Harry decoys to move Harry to safety. Once in the sky, however they are attacked by Death Eaters and Voldemort. Voldemort's borrowed wand fails to kill Harry; Mad-Eye Moody and Hedwig are killed.
Days later, Scrimgeour visits to distribute items from Albus Dumbledore's will to Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Among other items Dumbledore bequeathed Godric Gryffindor's sword to Harry. Scrimgeour, however, maintains that the sword is an important historical artefact at that it belongs in a museum, furthermore the whereabouts of the Sword are unknown.
The evening the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour is marauded by Death Eaters. Amidst the chaos Ron, Harry, and Hermione disapparate to London. In a café they are attacked by two more Death Eaters. Finding sanctuary at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, they discover that the RAB from the false Horcrux locket is none other than Regulus Arcturus Black, Sirius's brother. From Kreacher, they learn that Mundungus Fletcher has stolen the real Locket. Kreacher apprehends Fletcher, who reveals that the locket is in the possession of Dolores Umbridge. Under the guise of Polyjuice Potion, they make their way to the Ministry. They retrieve the locket, and flee into the forest.
They are unable to destroy the Horcrux and instead take turns wearing it in order to guard it and to dilute the side effect of paranoid thoughts. Ron, while wearing the locket, is overcome by suspicions that Harry and Hermione are together and leaves which depresses Hermione. Harry sees a vision of Voldemort interrogating Gregorovitch, a renowned wand-maker, and going off in search of a mysterious thief from the wand-maker's past.
Harry and Hermione go to Godric's Hollow to revisit Harry's past and to find Bathilda Bagshot, a historian who may have the Sword of Gryffindor, which they believe will destroy Horcruxes, as it is endowed with one of a Horcrux's weaknesses: basilisk venom. Unfortunately, they are cornered by Voldemort's snake, and barely escape. Hermione identifies the mysterious thief seen in Harry's vision as Gellert Grindelwald.
When evening falls Harry sees a doe Patronus, and follows it to a frozen pond, where he finds the Sword beneath the ice. Harry dives in to retrieve the sword, but the locket almost drowns him. Ron arrives just in time to rescues Harry and the sword. Harry opens the Locket, but before Ron can stab out the glass panels, a phantom emerges, which speaks to Ron and preys upon his deepest fears. Ron is overcome and paralyzed while an unclad Harry and Hermione embrace. Eventually, Ron summons the strength necessary to defeat the Horcrux.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit Xenophilius Lovegood to learn about a symbol seen several times on the journey. Lovegood tells them about the Deathly Hallows (magical artefacts of unparalleled power), but also betrays them to the Death Eaters in an effort to have his kidnapped daughter returned. The trio disapparate to another forest, where Snatchers capture them. In a vision Harry sees Voldemort finding Grindelwald, who tells him that Dumbledore has the elder wand.
Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix Lestrange imprisons Harry and Ron in the wine cellar, where they find Luna, Ollivander, and a goblin. Upstairs, Bellatrix tortures Hermione to find how the three came by the Sword of Gryffindor, which was supposedly in her vault at Gringotts.
Harry begs for help to a shard of an enchanted mirror. Dobby promptly arrives, and at Harry's direction disapparates with Luna and Ollivander. He returns for everyone else as Bellatrix throws a dagger at them, killing Dobby.
Voldemort opens Dumbledore's grave, and takes posession of the Elder Wand, using it to cast a powerful curse into the sky.

peace out sucker !

Nov 24, 2010

harry potter ,

hahahahahaha , 2 hari sal habiskn masa tgk suma cita harry potter drpd harry potter tu kecik smpai la dia besar . tgk dkt cd , ayah sal bli , hahahahaha . nk tgk blk sbb nk bgi fhm knapa Lord Voldemort nkk bunuh dia . hahahahaha , best la pulak tgk cita dia . tp yg harry potter yg baru kuar ni blom tgk lgi , mybe today or tomorrow kot tgk . cuba bygkn org yg baca buku harry potter ni berbulan , berhari tp movie dia 2 jam setengah ja , baik tgk movie dia drpd baca buku dia yg tebal . hahahaha , mesti tension , dh la cita harry potter ni kena tgk bnyk kali bru fhm , ni plak nk kena baca , hahahaha tension pnya , 
ni ja kot yg jadi arini , EXPELLIARMUS !
peace out sucker !

Nov 22, 2010

mee goreng ,

hahahahaha . tdi bgn dari tido, pi dapur tgk ada mknan x tp yg ada hanya satu note kecil . tulis kat situ msk sndiri mkn pagi . hahahaha . panggil mak dgn ayah tp depa xdk rupanya dh lpas pi gerik . itulah akibatnya org yg bgn lmbt . tadi sal msk sndiri untk mkn pgi and tgh hari . msk mi goreng ja . ahahahaha , selamat adib dh kuar klu x kena msk kat dia skali . lpas mkn tgk tv smbil tgk tetido . dh la bru bgn tido blk , dgn mandi pn blom , hahahahaha . lps bgn baru mndi , lpas mndi apalagi on9 la kn . hahahahaha , tu ja kot yg berlaku arini . 
hahahahahahahahaha .!! 
peace out sucker !

Nov 20, 2010


the two brothers that  i always love !
Mikey Way and Gerard Way

love u My Chemical Romance

rindu gila kat depa suma espeacially gerard and mikey . the two brothers that i really love . they back with new album call Danger Days : The True Lifes Of  The Killjoys . they also made their comeback with two new songs , SING and Na Na Na . i already watch like 10th times the music videos . hahahahaha . psycho right ? what can i do , because i addicted to them so fucking much . hope MCR can come to Malaysia again in the future . i really really miss u guys :( i'm so glad that u make your comeback :))
peace out sucker !

girls day out :p

 story nya bermula begini . mula2 plan nk pi ipoh suro adib bwk , adib kata okayy tp xbley sbb hari yg nk pi ipoh tu cik siti kawen . so xjdi la pi . sbb kami nk pi cik siti kawen , hahahahaha . tgh hari tu pi la cik siti kawen, cikgu comel ja dgn suami dia . hahahahaha , lawa cikgu tdi , hehehehe :) SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU CIKGU . klu nk tgk gamba , sila pegi ka wahidaa mohd noor pnya FB ya . . lpas pi cikgu pnya kenduri , pi ts , kat ts kami lpak starbucks pastu aku , eyka , wan dgn intan naik ats pi karaoke , pastu eyka ajk acap naik skali . hahahahaha sweet ja depa 2 org . kami nyanyi mcm2 lagu tdi hahahahaha . nyanyi smpai sebelah telinga intan nk jdi pekak , haahhahahahah , lwk betoi . hrp2 dpt kuar lgi mcm ni . hehehe:)  okayy la see you in next post :)
peace out sucker !

huh ?

wei , hang ingt aku bodo sgt ka smpai x tau nk guna comp . game tu main2 ja . aku tau la hang bru nk up tp xyh la smpai terlebey . aku main game tu dgn membe aku xdk apa pn . membe aku rilek ja . pada skrg P**** tu bley buat apa kat hang . hang pikir blk . TUHAN tu maha besar . apa2 Dia nk buat pn , Dia bley buat . at least i'm not the kind of person who want to FOOL u . setakat tulis eng x yah la wei . cuba dgr hang speaking skit? hahahahahaha . mesti lwk kn? at least i realize i'm not that good in eng but i can speak well . sorry la klu terasa . aku tulis ni pn nk bgi hang sedar . 
peace out sucker !

Nov 19, 2010

habis dh

skola habis dh ? x sangka plak . rasa bru ja bukak sklh dh akhir thn . rindu la plak kenangan kat skola . hahahahaha . rindu aunty jual keropok , rindu makcik kantin , rindu kuey teow hailam sklh . kena la tunggu next year . ntah la ada lgi ka dkat convent ke x . tdi mai skola sbb pengetua bersara kena dtg sbb terlibat dgn perbarisan . klu xterlibat mmg xdtg pn . mls gila . pmr dh habis , nk mai skola buat apa . hahahahaha .tdi bnyk tngkp gamba . kena tunggu esk la klu nk tgk gmba last day school . btw, goood luck to all spm candidate . do the best . okayy la , tomorrow update lagi . bye . heeeee:) 
peace out sucker!

be gone bitch !

wei , hang ingt hang bgos sgt ka ? hang sedar diri skit , aku dulu terpaksa kwn dgn hang tau x . sbb hang dulu xdak kwn dok ja sorang2 kat blkg sbb aku ni desprate kwn dgn hang . lps 3 thn hang nk buat pasai plak . klu dh bengang dgn aku n eyka xyah la smpai si mimi tu jdi mangsa . hang ingt, hang ni blh buat mcm2 ka . hang tu terbatas, hang tau x . sorry la klu aku ckp mcm ni tp sbb aku dh x thn sgt dgn perangai hang yg bajet BAGOS tu tau . aku x kesah la klu hang xsuka ka , hang suka ka , hang bley buat apa kat aku? bgitau skit . ingt aku tkot sgt ka dgn hang . tiba2 mai kat aku dgn eyka nk jerit2 pehal . hang ingt waktu hang dok jerit2 tu aku tkot ka , tu la klu org dh bajet nk buat mcm mna , semua benda dia buat dia puas hati la . asal kn org tu tkot . pi mati la wei . psl bdk dlm kelas tu pn suro aku yg jaga sbb apa? sbb tkot kena pangkah ka? hahahahahah lwak la aku tgk hang ni . klu hang xnk jdi kwn aku xpa la wei aku redha ja , ramai lagi kwn aku kat luar tu . aku x la desprate sgt smpai nk kwn dgn bdk yg dh ROSAK tu . at least kwn yg aku kwn skarang still sedar depa tu sapa . aku xtau la wei , aku dh kwn dgn hang tiga thn dh . hang mmg dh berubah dari segi perckpn hang, perangai hang . asal org ckp skit nk menjerit . apa mslh hang sebenarnya . haritu aku nk baik dgn hang , hang buat kepala , dh akhir thn pn hang still xnk berubah erk? aku xtau la nk buat mcm mna dh . tmpt hang bkn kat sini tau , aku mls nk sebut hang ni sesuai dok kat mna . mls nk libat kn psl agama ni . aku pn trok dari segi agama tu la mls nk libat tu , at least aku sedar yg agama aku no dh trok . maklum la hang kn kuat agama . benda mcm ni pn nk libatkn agama ka? hahahahaha , xpyah la wei . mslah ni kita suma blh selesai sndiri la . hang ckp ja bila hang nk solve this things . aku bley dtg . 
 . mls aku nk tulis pnjg2 , satgi kecik hati pulak . dh ah , sorry la klu terasa . aku buat mcm ni sbb aku dh x thn sgt . peace out sucker !

Nov 18, 2010

zaman muda dulu ,

hahahahahaha , lawak la tgk gamba kecik2 dulu, gamba ni dgn cousins sblah ayah . yg atas skali tu hisyam pastu aku dgn abg aku lpas tu farah dgn fatihah . dulu gigi dpn aku xdk . rmbt aku gila rockstar! hahahahaha .
gamba ni waktu kat rmh lama . rindu gila rumah lama tu . hisyam nnt msk lagi gamba kecik2 . aku nk buat album . 
peace out sucker!

this song is for my bff ,

to all my bff's this dedicated for you guys because yall always been there when i'm about to fall, i love you guys so much, i'm so sorry if i make you all fell uncomfortable or else , this song  for u guys . enjoy!

do play ,

Oh Oh Oh (yeah yeah)
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh

On the edge of something real

I have a choice, but I don't know what to feel
Getting tired of all this fear
Before I choose, let me know that you'll be here
Let me know that you'll be here

Cause I'm not afraid to fall

If you're the one who catches me
Tell that you'll be there when I'm
About to lose it all
You're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok to fall

(to fall)

When I'm far away from where you are (where you are)

It's ok, cause we're under the same stars
I'm laying down this heavy load (heavy load)
Maybe now I can finally let this go
I can finally let you know

But I'm not afraid to fall

If you're the one who catches me
Tell that you'll be there when I'm
About to lose it all
You're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok

To fall Oh Oh

To fall Oh Oh
To fall Oh oh
To fall
To fall Oh Oh
To fall Oh Oh
To fall Oh Oh
To fall

Not afraid to fall

If you're the one who catches me
Tell that you'll be there when I'm

About to lose it all

You're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok to fall

Oh Oh Oh (Cause I'm not afraid to fall)

Fall Oh Oh Oh (If you're the one who catches me)
That sometimes it's ok to fall

When About to lose it all

You're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok
It will be okay
That sometimes it's ok, to fall

I'm gonna fall

hahahaha . 
peace out sucker ! 

Nov 17, 2010

selamat hari raya aidil adha ,

selamat hari raya aidil adha kpd suma warga islam especially for my friends. selamat hari raya aidil adha kpd wan, sara, eyka, intan, byla.. minta maaf ya jika ada buat salah, oh terlupa plak, mak dgn ayah sabila mintak maaf jgk ya. hmmm:)
hahahahaha! tdi pkol 6 kena bgn dh mls gila nk bgn tdi, mak kata nk smbhyg dkt kmpng tu la kena bgn awal, smbhyg hari raya haji ni awal sbb depa nk buat korban... waktu tgh smbhyg bknnya focus pn, mata ni nk tertutup ja, hahahaha mesti lwk kn klu org len suma tgh smbhyg tiba2 sal terjatuh n then tetido hahahaha mesti suma terkejut, raya haji thn ni best la pulak selalunya xbest tp sbb suma cousins blk tu yg best tu, tdi lupa bwk broaband la klu x blh main peter answer dgn cousins mesti depa suma trkot nnt, hahahhahahaha!! okayy la, rasa tu ja kot yg sal blh tulis. :)
peace out sucker ! 

Nov 9, 2010

jeremy to ...?

tdi ptg pi ptg rmbt dkt AK saloon, rambut xjdi mcm jeremy pn, xsyok la mcm ni, tp rambut bru ni okayy la jgk, nk kata elk tu , mmg elk, tp nak mcm JEREMY! xpa tunggu rmbt pnjang blk n then cut sebijik mcm jeremy , :) cina gunting rambut tu lawak la, waktu dia tgh ptg, aku kena tahan ja gelak ... hahahahhahaha!! 
peace out sucker !

Nov 7, 2010

haircut mcm dia ? ,

Jeremy DePoyster

nk potong rmbt mcm ni , tp pnjg skit la xla pendek mcm ni, hahahaha ntah la sesuai ke x? tgk rmbt dia dlm satu mv , nmpk smart sgt, tu la nk potong mcm ni , mungkin hari selasa or  rabu kot pi potong, mintak2 la sesuai .
peace out sucker !

Nov 6, 2010

peter answer ,

eykasam, peter will haunt you , hahahaha, he knows everything about eyka and he said he want to kill acap went the full moon comes , if u don't believe it you got see it. Game ni mmg menakutkn espeacially for eyka and acap, eyka takut gila bila main game ni, dia kata dia nk dkt eyka, PELIK, tgk la sndiri bukti dia , hahahahahaha!!

scary dude!! eyka u better watch out
poor acap , he always become a victim

sentosa villa

first friend vacation together at SENTOSA VILLA but not all of us, it will be a lot more fun with sara
but it's okay we forgive you! The vacation is really really fun with you guys. kita suma main tepung, telur, mcm2 la, rindu gila rasa mcm nk pi lgi sentosa villa. Here are some pictures from our vacation
Take a Look

peace out sucker !